Chinese Parade

Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) is a new literacy curriculum that is being implemented at MISD. Second graders recently finished studying about Early Asian Civilizations. Part of this unit was learning about the traditions of the Chinese New Year. Students decorated dragons and participated in their own dragon parade after learning that dragons symbolize good fortune in the new year. 

parade 1

parade 2

parade 2

We also had a guest speaker, Mr. Hung. Mr. Hung is Mrs. Vasser’s father-in-law, who taught words in Chinese and presented artifacts including silk clothing, red envelopes, a drum,  and chopsticks. Mr. Hung also shared with students about a traditional meal that is eaten during the Chinese New Year celebration. This meal is called a 'hot pot meal' which includes Chinese vegetables and meat. The pot is in the middle of the table and everyone eats out of the pot.

Students then practiced writing words and numbers in Chinese in their classroom. By incorporating these fun activities and presentations, students were able to connect their learning to real-life examples, helping to extend their learning beyond the classroom.