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Special education involves specially designed instruction tailored to the unique needs of each child.  In addition to receiving specially designed instruction, another large part of an IEP are classroom accommodations. These accommodations help give entitled students access to the general education curriculum and its assessments. Accommodations do not change the nature of the task or the performance required. Accommodations change "how" a student learns the material, demonstrates knowledge, or participates in the educational setting. At Longfellow Elementary there are two special education programs.

Students who need specially designed instruction in addition to the CORE classroom curriculum, receive these services in a pull-out type model. This program is the least restrictive of special education services. This program is taught by Mrs. Albright. She teaches reading, math, writing, adaptive behavior, and social skills to Longfellow’s K-2 students entitled to these services.  Instruction is determined by the students' needs, but is always in addition to the core classroom curriculum. Students are grouped and receive their specially designed instruction during independent worktimes. Mrs.Albright has four associates that help students in their classroom. They help reinforce skills, provide practice and immediate feedback, and assist with modified activities in the students general education classroom. 

MISD students who need special education services for a large portion of the day or need multiple support services receive these services in the Life Skills program. MISD students in K-2nd grade come to Longfellow to our Life Skills program..  There are 8 students currently receiving services in the Life Skills (Level 2/3 Special Education) class here at Longfellow. Our students receive individual, specially-designed instruction to meet their learning needs. Our goals are based on the essential elements of our general education curriculum. Amy Feeney, our teacher and 8 of our teacher associates work everyday on a variety of activities with our students. We learn a little differently than our friends, but we are always learning! 

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