Construction Updates

October 14, 2024

Parkview Elementary
At Parkview, recent work includes installation of the lighted sign at the 3rd Avenue entrance, miscellaneous landscape plantings, and touch-up work in the interior by the contractors.

High School Auditorium
On the exterior, the precast walls have been painted and the special graphics painting is underway. The parking lot grading is near completion with asphalt paving scheduled for the end of the month. The courtyard paving is installed and landscape plantings will take place later this month. Work continues in the new front entry.

On the interior, acoustic clouds, lighting, and theater rigging are the main focus this month. In the next month will be seating and flooring. Training of the systems and occupancy is scheduled for December. At the storm shelter, flooring, acoustic panels, painting and other finishes continue.

Parkview Sign

Parkview Sign

Parkview Lot Grading

Auditorium Parking Lot Grading

Storm Shelter Flooring Auditorium

Auditorium Storm Shelter Flooring

Acoustic Clouds and Lighting

Auditorium Acoustic Clouds & LIghting

Auditorium Exterior Graphics

Auditorium Exterior Graphics

September 9, 2024

Parkview Elementary
School is underway in the new building and final touchup and adjustments are being made. The new sign will be installed soon and final landscape plantings completed.

High School Auditorium
Recent exterior work at the Auditorium site includes completion of utility work and now is focused on the concrete drive and sidewalks. The new front entrance is framed up and will soon have the aluminum storefront, logo, and front doors installed. The new courtyard work will follow. Painting of the precast concrete exterior walls will be starting yet this month. Interior work continues with soundproofing, painting of the stage and house walls, and final mechanical and electrical system installations. The project remains on schedule.

New Auditorium and Front Entrance

Interior Painting and Soundproofing

Interior Painting and Soundproofing

New Auditorium and Front Entrance

New Auditorium Drop Off Area

New Auditorium Drop Off Area

August 12, 2024

Parkview Elementary

The new Parkview building will be ready for students on the first day of school. City inspections have been completed and permits issued, final cleaning is underway, teachers are setting up classrooms, and city street work is nearly complete for the routes to and from the school. Final architectural inspection is underway.

High School Auditorium

Recent work at the Auditorium includes steel columns and concrete floor at the new entrance area, underground water main service line installation, and completion of the sloping floor in the House area. Interior painting is underway on the House walls and acoustic spray insulation will follow. Final high structure mechanical and electrical connections will follow along with acoustic cloud installation. In the storm shelter area, interior painting and tile work is completed and lighting fixtures have been installed. The project remains on schedule.

Parkview Entrance

Parkview East Entrance

Parkview Playground

Parkview Playground

Corridor Mural

Parkview Corridor Mural

Parkview Gym Graphics

Parkview Gym Graphics

July 8, 2024

Parkview Elementary

During the past month, completed exterior work includes finish grading, landscape plantings, miscellaneous sidewalk and driveway work. The playground equipment has been installed and the rubber surface is set to be installed this week. On the interior, the mechanical systems startup has been completed. Miscellaneous finish work is ongoing, the wood gym floor has been installed, and furniture is being installed in the classrooms. Final communication systems are being installed along with technology equipment.

High School Auditorium

At the auditorium, in the storm shelter area, recent work includes the sprayed acoustic soundproofing, painting and wall tile. The front entry changes are underway with the installation of the foundation wall at the front door wall line. In the Auditorium house, the drywall work will be complete this week. Then the focus will be on pouring the concrete floor at the pit area and working back with the sloping floor. Mechanical work is substantially in place and the electrical equipment continues to be installed. On the exterior, underground gas, water, and sewer lines will be installed starting this week. The project remains on schedule.

Parkview Furniture

Parkview Furniture

Parkview Gym Flooring

Parkview Gym Flooring

Auditorium Drywall Work

Auditorium Drywall Work

Auditorium Front Entry Foundation

Auditorium Front Entry Foundation

June 10, 2024

Parkview Elementary

Construction work at Parkview is winding down, with completion set for early July. Current exterior work includes playground equipment installation, fencing, landscaping, seeding, sidewalk, and parking lot striping. Interior work includes final mechanical and electrical hookups, startup of permanent power, interior lighting, flooring, finishes, and cleaning.

High School Auditorium

Current work at the Auditorium interior is mostly framing, drywall, and electrical work. Some interior painting is underway at the storm shelter area, and soundproofing is scheduled to be applied soon. Exterior work includes dust partitions and prep for the new front entry changes, final utility hookups out to the street, and permanent power lines to the existing transformer. The project remains on the overall schedule.

Parkview Playground Equipment

Parkview Playground Equipment

Parkview Finished Restroom

Parkview Finished Restroom

Parkview Hallway

Parkview Hallway

Auditorium Drywall

Auditorium Drywall

Auditorium Control Room & Risers

Auditorium Control Room and Concrete Risers

Concrete Pouring For Auditorium

May 13, 2024

High School Auditorium

The big change with Auditorium work the last month has been the setting of forms and pouring theconcrete for the seating risers. It involves a system of Styrofoam support forms under the concrete, conduit for lighting system, and detailed bracing for the pumped in place concrete. Metal stud framing and drywall is underway on the side walls of the seating area. High structure piping and electrical work is near completion. Miscellaneous exterior work includes roof detailing and tie in of storm drains. Once school is out, renovation of the new entrance area will begin.

Parkview Elementary School

Recent exterior work at Parkview Elementary includes concrete paving at the west parking lot,sidewalks, and finish grading of the soil. Upcoming exterior work will be setting of the playground equipment, landscape seeding, and planting of trees and shrubs. Interior work includes completion of mechanical piping installation, electrical equipment, testing and startup of those systems.

Auditorium Risers

Auditorium Risers

Auditorium Framing & Drywall

Auditorium Framing & Drywall

Parkview Finish Grading

Parkview Finish Grading

Parkview West Lot Grading

Parkview West Lot Grading

April 8, 2024

High School Auditorium

The primary work at the auditorium includes setting of the sloping Styrofoam forms at the seating area risers. The sloped concrete floor will be pumped into place after the forms are set. Mechanical and electrical work continues and metal stud framing at the upper level will start soon.

Parkview Elementary School

Interior work continues with painting, flooring, door hardware, and finishes along with final mechanical and electrical installations. Exterior work includes finish site grading for the west parking lot area, which will be poured at the end of this month. The sub grade for the playground areas will be set soon and the rubber surface will follow. The playground equipment has been delivered and will likely be installed in May.

Parkview Gym Equipment

Parkview Gym Equipment

Parkview Playground Equipment

Parkview Playground Equipment

Parkview West Lot Grading

Parkview West Lot Grading

Sloped Styrofoam Forms for Auditorium Seating

Sloped Styrofoam Forms for Auditorium Seating

March 25, 2024

High School Auditorium

Current work at the storm shelter includes mechanical, electrical, plumbing rough ins along with framing and roofing at the hall of fame area. Transformers have been set at the existing mezzanine area and electrical panels and power will follow. At the auditorium, the stage floor concrete has been poured along with ramps at the seating area and level 2 concrete floor at the control room area. Masonry side and rear walls are being constructed. High structure HVAC and electrical work continues.

Parkview Elementary School

Interior work includes setting of mechanical and electrical equipment. Above ceiling mechanical and electrical inspections took place this week with ceiling tile to follow. Paint finishes continue with flooring and bath fixtures following. Casework and wood doors are being installed and gym equipment install will begin soon. Exterior work includes final site grading, sidewalks, curbing and subgrade for the playground areas. The project remains on schedule.


Auditorium Stage View From Control Room

Duct Work

Parkview Above Ceiling Work


Auditorium High Structure Work


Auditorium Side Walls Seating Area


Parkview Concrete Curbing

parking lot

Parkview Finish Grading

February 12, 2024

High School Auditorium

Current and recent work at the Auditorium includes roofing at the stage area, sprinkler and roof drainage piping, ductwork, and above ceiling electrical work. Foundation and below grade electrical work continues prior to the sloping of the grade at the seating area of the stage. Masonry walls are being constructed at the support areas. Upcoming work includes mechanical and electrical tie-ins to the existing building. Overall schedule remains on pace.

Parkview Elementary School

Exterior work at Parkview includes the continuation of spraying air and vapor barrier, installation of brickwork and windows. Soon the final site grading will begin and the remaining parking lot work will be completed. On the interior, above ceiling mechanical and electrical work continues ahead of floor and wall finishes. Heat pumps are being installed along with ceiling grid. The overall schedule is on track for the mid-summer completion.

Auditorium Conduit

Auditorium Conduit

Curved Foundation at Stage

Curved Foundation at Stage

Auditorium Ductwork

Auditorium Ductwork

Parkview Piping Work

Parkview Piping Work

Parkview Mechanical Mezzanine

Parkview Mechanical Mezzanine

Parkview Casework, Floor, Wall Finishes

Parkview Casework, Floor, Wall Finishes

January 8, 2024

High School Wall Cladding

The first phase of re-cladding of the high school exterior walls is complete. The deteriorating brick wall sections have been replaced with metal panels and brought up to code standards for insulation and structural requirements. The interior finishes are complete and classrooms put back in service.

Parkview Elementary

At Parkview Elementary, the exterior work continues with installation of windows and brick veneer. Plastic shelters are attached to the masonry scaffold so heaters can be used. Interior work includes drywall work in the administration area, installation of the heat pumps, above ceiling mechanical and electrical work, and installation of classroom cabinets in the finished wall areas. The concrete floors are ready to be poured in the multi-purpose room. The project remains on schedule.

High School Auditorium

At the High School Auditorium project, exterior work includes masonry walls at the Hall of Fame corridor at the north end that attaches to the existing building. Miscellaneous precast wall waterproofing and site grading is ongoing. On the interior, the concrete floor has been poured in the storm shelter area. Plumbing and underground electrical work is continuing. Overhead catwalk steel work has been completed and the sloping interior grade will be established in the near future. The project is tracking on schedule.

High School Wall Cladding

High School Wall Cladding

Auditorium Electrical

Auditorium Electrical

Auditorium Interior Grading

Auditorium Interior Grading

Parkview Brick Shelter

Parkview Brick Shelter

Parkview Workroom

Parkview Workroom

Parkview Classroom Cabinets

Parkview Classroom Cabinets

Auditorium Catwalk

Auditorium Catwalk

Auditorium Masonry Shelter

Auditorium Masonry Shelter

December 11, 2023

Parkview Update

Exterior work includes concrete paving, completion of the CMU walls, roof joists, decking, and roofing. Drilling continues on the last geothermal well. Insulation of the exterior walls and brick veneer work is ongoing. Aluminum window frames and glazing has started in the classrooms. Interior work includes above ceiling mechanical, electrical, and plumbing work. Some finishes have been installed, such as wall painting, floor and wall tile. Heat pumps will be installed soon. The overall schedule is still intact.

Stadium Update

Exterior work includes remaining foundation walls, coating, backfill, and underground plumbing for roof drains. Roofing work will be starting soon. Much of the underground work is completed in the storm shelter and prep is underway for the concrete floor slab. In the Auditorium, sealing of precast joints is taking place along with steel work for the catwalk. Temp heat has been installed. Extensive underground electrical work in the stage area will be a focus in the next month as well as interior foundation work for the CMU walls.

auditorium catwalk

Auditorium Catwalk

Parkview Classroom Windows

Parkview Classroom Windows

Parkview Concrete Paving

Parkview Concrete Paving

Auditorium Electrical Conduit

Auditorium Electrical Conduit

Last Exterior CMU Walls

Parkview Last Exterior CMU Wall

Parkview Restroom Wall Tile

Parkview Restroom Wall Tile

November 13, 2023

FMI Roofing Update

Roof replacement is back underway and if weather holds, could be completed this month.

Parkview Update

Exterior work includes completion of the structural CMU walls, bar joists and decking, and continuation of the roofing. Brick veneer has begun and concrete paving of the east parking lot is starting this week. Interior work includes above ceiling plumbing, electrical, and HVAC work. Painting of the classroom walls has started. The overall construction schedule remains on track.

Auditorium Update

October saw the biggest change to the jobsite with the start of setting the precast concrete walls. The last section of wall was set on Friday and crews are working on the bar joists and steel beams for the roof. The 7” thick concrete roof deck has been poured on top of the storm shelter area. Sealing of the precast joints is underway and roofing will follow the structural steel work. After the building is enclosed, temporary heat will be installed to allow interior work to continue through the winter.

High School Wall Recladding

Metal panels arrive onsite this week to replace the old brick veneer. Interior work includes painting of the walls and replacing heating units and ceiling tile.

FMI New Roof

FMI New Roof

Auditorium Walls

Auditorium Walls

Auditorium Roofing Beams

Auditorium Roof Beams

Parkview Brick Veneer

Parkview Brick Veneer

Parkview Classrooms

Parkview Classroom

Parkview Roof

Parkview Roof

Parkview Gym Floor

Parkview Gym Floor

October 9, 2023

Stadium Update

Stadium construction work is down to correction of some punch list items. This includes site grading, drainage at the south border, overseeding of the grass areas, drainage repair at the shot put area, replacement of some restroom sink faucets, floor painting, and miscellaneous touch ups. The General Contractor plans to have all work complete by the end of October.

FMI Update

The secure entry addition is also substantially complete with a few punch list items to complete, such as playground surface repair, door hardware replacements, overseeding of grass areas, and some concrete repair. The landscape work is complete at the front and rear of the building. The roofing project on the existing building is underway.

Parkview Update

Recent work at Parkview includes the CMU walls at the gymnasium and multi- purpose areas. The block walls are approximately 75-80 percent complete. Steel joist, decking, roofing, HVAC ductwork is proceeding. Geothermal well drilling is going well and October will see the beginning of parking lot paving and brick veneer on the building. The project continues to be on schedule.

Auditorium Update

Exterior foundation work has been completed, along with underground utility work. Pre installation meetings and extensive planning for setting the precast concrete walls is the current focus with the panels beginning to arrive on site on the 16th .

HS Wall Recladding Update

The demolition of brick and block walls is complete and the concrete block walls have been rebuilt. Insulation panels, air and vapor barrier, and metal panels will be installed in October.

FMI Landscaping

FMI Landscaping at Playground Area

FMI Roofing

FMI Roofing

Parkview Gym Walls

Parkview Gym Walls

September 11, 2023

Stadium Update

With the completion of emergency lighting and the audio speakers at the visitor bleachers, all systemsare complete and are in operation. Despite the dry weather, Bob’s facility crew has kept the new bushesand trees watered and growing, and the practice field irrigation system is giving the new sod a goodstart. The parking lots and managed traffic flow is working well around the HS buildings and the Auditorium construction area.

FMI Update

The reroofing project at FMI was put on hold due to the recent hot weather. (some areas would need the air conditioning shut off to remove the coolant lines on the roof). The roofing work will resume at the end of September. Also, landscape plantings around our new building will take place yet in September.

Parkview Update

August work at Parkview continued the same theme with CMU classroom and service area walls, plumbing and electrical rough-ins, and the start of roofing. The exterior walls will receive an air and vapor coating and brick should be arriving on site this month for contractors to begin installation. The gym area block walls are also coming up in the rotation.

Auditorium Update

Load bearing concrete foundation walls for the exterior precast walls will be completed this week and contractors will begin on the interior masonry wall foundations next. The precast concrete wall panels are being produced off site and are still tracking for October placement on site. This will allow Larson Construction to enclose the building and continue the interior work during cold weather. The project remains on schedule.

Parkview Roofing

Roofing at Parkview Elementary

August 14, 2023

Stadium Update

Emergency lighting and visitor sound system work is continuing and scheduled to be ready for the first home football game. Miscellaneous touch ups and site work is also being done.

FMI Update

The secure entry addition has achieved substantial completion status. City inspections have been completed and the occupancy permit has been issued. Mechanical startups and commissioning is taking place this week along with final punch list corrections by the contractors. City street work continues and re-roofing of the existing building looks to begin this week.

Parkview Update

Parkview progress will sound like the same song, second verse. The main tasks are the underground plumbing and electrical, concrete floor slabs, and masonry classroom walls. The storm shelter concrete roof may be poured yet this week and prep of exterior walls for window blocking and spraying pf air barrier to take place soon. Brick veneer walls are not far off as well as the gymnasium area work. The overall schedule remains on track.

Auditorium Update

Underground utility work and concrete foundations continue for the exterior precast concrete and interior storm shelter walls.

High School Wall Recladding

Garling Construction has completed removal of the exterior brick and has installed some roof edge blocking. Next up is repair or replacement of some of the concrete block walls before the air barrier and metal panels can be installed. Completion of this first phase is scheduled for September.

FMI New Entry

FMI New Entry

FMI New Reception Area

FMI New Reception Area

Auditorium Geo Piers

Auditorium Geo Piers

Band Camp

Band Camp

July 10, 2023

Stadium Update

During the past month, Larson Construction has completed site work, seeding, and finalized the turf fill material on the athletic field. Miscellaneous punch list work is ongoing, with the emergency lighting and visitor speaker system scheduled for completion in July. Landscape plantings have been completed.

FMI Update

The secure entry addition is nearing completion. Exterior work included the completion of the concrete parking lot and grading. Interior work this month includes painting, finishes, ceiling and floor tile, doors and hardware, and cabinetry. Also, the roofing project on the original building will begin in mid July.

Parkview Update

Masonry walls continue in the storm shelter and classroom areas. Underground utilities, footings, and concrete floors are proceeding ahead of the masonry walls. Site work and drainage tile work continues on the exterior. Material submittal reviews are ongoing.

Auditorium Update

During the past month, the asphalt parking lot has been removed and fill has been brought up to the building grade elevation. (approximately 7’ at the west end). Currently, helical piers are being drilled into the subsoil to support the building’s exterior foundations. Underground utilities and building foundation work will continue in July.

High School Wall Recladding

Garling Construction will begin the first phase by removing sections of deteriorating brick walls, then installing a fluid air barrier, insulation, and metal panels similar to the nearby metal panels at the pressbox. Material reviews and pre-installation meetings are taking place.

Discus Cage

Discus Cage at Stadium

Athletic Field Fill

Athletic Field Fill at Stadium

Landscape Plantings at Stadium

Landscape Plantings at Stadium

FMI Parking Lot

FMI Parking Lot

FMI Entryway

FMI Entryway

Auditorium Site Grade

Auditorium Site Grade

Helical Pier Mate

Helical Pier Mate at Auditorium

Pumping Concrete for Parkview Floor

Pumping Concrete for Parkview Floors

Parkview Masonry Walls

Parkview Masonry Walls

June 12, 2023

Stadium Update

May work at the stadium included laying the sod on the practice field along with final hookups for the irrigation pump and system. Miscellaneous painting, cleaning, and correction of punch list items have been taking place. Work has begun on an emergency lighting system for the bleacher areas that will take over in a power loss during night time events. June work will include some minor concrete replacement in some areas to meet ADA requirements, and the remainder of the landscaping shrubs will be planted. Several alumni memorial trees will be designated with plaques. Also, the counter tops in the press box were given special pricing from a local supplier as a memorial to the owner’s brother, Larry Grekoff, a 1977 Marion graduate.

FMI Update

FMI interior work in May included above ceiling mechanical and electrical work in the secure entrance area along with drywall and painting. Exterior work saw a lot of changes with underground utilities, creation of a bioswale for water management, and new sidewalks, parking lot, and drive lanes. June will see completion of the concrete work and the start of roof replacement on the original building portion. Interior work will focus on the special education room, restroom, and classroom 138 work.

Parkview Update

May work at the Parkview elementary building focused mainly on the concrete foundation work along with underground plumbing and electrical installation. Foundations are near completion. This week will see the start of concrete masonry walls, beginning with the storm shelter area. Material submittals and review is continuing.

Auditorium Update

Larson Construction has mobilized to the site and foundation rebar material has started to arrive on site. This week will include asphalt removal in preparation of excavation work.

Auditorium Foundation Rebar

Auditorium Foundation Rebar

FMI Sidewalk

FMI Sidewalk

FMI Parking Lot

FMI Parking Lot

Parkview Foundation Work

Parkview Foundation Work

May 8, 2023

Stadium Update

The stadium work in April includes final site grading, seeding of grass, planting of landscape trees, and
joint sealing of the parking lots. Upcoming work that can now be done due to warmer temperatures is final plumbing and installation of the irrigation pumping system, sod installation on the practice field, painting and caulking at the concession building, paint striping and signage of the parking lots.

FMI Update

Recent construction work at FMI includes window installation, underground utility lines, metal stud framing, and mechanical and electrical rough ins. May work will include sheetrock, ceiling grid, and mechanical screen wall installations.

Parkview Update

Site grading and foundation work have begun at Parkview. Underground plumbing work will begin this week. Schedules are being finalized and material submittals and systems are being reviewed for approval.

Stadium Update

Groundbreaking is set for May 24.

Stadium Tree Planting

Stadium Tree Planting

FMI Utility Work

FMI Utility Work

FMI Window Installation

FMI Window Installation

Parkview Grading

Parkview Grading

Parkview Foundation

Parkview Foundation

April 10, 2023

Stadium Update

The facility is well in use for the spring sports after state and local inspections have been completed. Some final loose ends are being wrapped up by Larson Construction such as access controls, security cameras, and sound system speakers for the visitor bleachers. Site work that will continue in April include final grading, seeding, sodding, and landscape plantings.

FMI Update

Work is progressing well at the secured entry addition. The concrete floors have been poured, load bearing CMU walls are complete, and structural steel has been set. In the next two weeks the bar joists, metal decking and roofing will be installed. The exterior brickwork is ongoing, with exterior windows and doors ready to follow. Interior walls, mechanical, electrical work will begin in May. Preparations are being made to complete the parking lot changes after school is out.

Parkview Elementary Update

Perimeter fencing has been installed and expect excavating equipment to move back in this week. Garling Construction will have a pre-construction meeting on April 11 th and will submit their preliminary construction schedule at that time.

FMI Structural Steel

FMI Structural Steel

FMI Exterior Brick

FMI Exterior Brick

Parkview Fencing

Parkview Fencing

Stadium Ribbon Cutting

Stadium Ribbon Cutting

March 20, 2023

Stadium Update

At the concession building, final paint touch up, fixtures and equipment have been installed and is ready for service at our first home event. The elevator installation is taking place with state and city inspections scheduled. Press box finishes, access controls and electrical work is being wrapped up. Scoreboard training took place last week while soccer practice was being held on the new turf. Bob Scott spied the stadium lights shining on the complex during his early morning rounds. The school logo signs have been installed on the elevator shaft walls. Seeding, sodding, landscaping, and final sitework will follow as weather allows.

FMI Update

At FMI, concrete foundation work is complete (with much better soil conditions than the first phase). Masonry walls are going up, with underground utilities on deck next. Crews will take advantage of spring break to wrap up some access controls, lighting, and other interior items at the addition.

Concession Stand

Concession Equipment Stadium

Elevator Installation

Elevator Installation Stadium

foundation concrete

Masonry Walls FMI

FMI Mason Walls

Concrete Foundations FMI

February 13, 2023

Stadium Update
January work at the stadium has focused primarily on electrical and technology installations at multiple locations. The scoreboard has been powered up along with play clocks and stadium lights. The sound system will be installed this week. Final trim and painting continues at the concession building and pressbox. The elevator installation is scheduled to be completed by mid March, so all systems will be ready for the first home event at the facility.

Francis Marion Intermediate Update
January work at FMI included the demolition of the 1955 addition and hauling away of the debris. The building area grading will take place after demolition. Concrete footing and foundation work for the new secured entry addition will be installed during the second half of February.

Parkview Bidding
The bids for our new elementary building are due on 2/23. General Contractor interest is solid, and the completed sitework will be a boost for construction scheduling.

Auditorium Bidding
Final plans are completed and bids will be received on 3/2. Good work sessions with the Architect helped to finish the design and function of the project.

Setting Up the Play Clock

Setting Up the Play Clock

FMI Demolition

FMI Demolition

Scoreboard Control Setup

Scoreboard Control Setup

January 9, 2023

Francis Marion Intermediate Update
FMI construction took center stage in December to complete interior finishes, painting, and inspections to allow for staff occupancy to take place on schedule on 12/21. The staff and students now have full access to the addition area. Asbestos removal is taking place in the 1955 addition and demolition will begin for the next phase in late January.

Stadium Update
Work continues at the concession building with stainless steel serving counters being installed, along with door frames and toilet partitions. Metal roofing and fascia work continues as well. The new transformer has been installed so that electrical systems now can be finalized. At the pressbox, interior sheathing is being installed over the insulated walls. Exterior metal roof panels are scheduled to be completed this month, as is roof work at the elevator. Elevator installation is scheduled for later in January. There will be site work to be completed in the early spring, such as sod at the practice field and landscape work.

Parkview Site
Rathje Excavating has completed the demolition and site grading of the Parkview site and it is now ready for spring construction. Several contractors have expressed interest to OPN Architects in the project.

FMI Move In Day

FMI Move In Day

Press Box Interior Work

Press Box Interior

Concession Restrooms

Stadium Restrooms

December 11, 2022

Francis Marion Intermediate Update
Finishing touches are being made to the interior of the FMI addition with acoustic sound panels, heating and cooling units, communication and tech systems being installed. Quality inspections, operation training, and testing will take place this month. FMI staff will have access to the rooms starting next week to prepare for student occupancy at the first of the year.

Stadium Update
Interior work continues on the concession building with stainless steel counters, toilet partitions, and fixtures. Exterior doors arrive this week to seal the openings. The press box windows have been installed and stud framing and electrical work is taking place inside. Exterior metal wall panels and roofing will be completed yet this month. The north and south parking lots have been completed along with the curved drive in front of the stadium. The shot put and discus platform areas are in place. Upcoming training of all mechanical and electrical systems is being organized along with scoreboard operation. Permanent fencing is scheduled to be completed this month. 

Parkview Sitework
Site demolition and grading continues this month and will be complete by the end of the year.

Press Box Window

Interior of Press Box

Parkview Site

Parkview Site

November 21, 2022

Parkview Sitework
Rathje Construction has mobilized and begun demolition work of the Parkview site. They will continue with grading the site up to the building elevation level by the end of the year.

Stadium Update
October work at the stadium included the completion of grandstand detailing, pressbox framing and sheathing, and concrete paving of the north parking lot. The scoreboard has been installed along with miscellaneous grading and seeding. The final urethane top coat of the track has been installed and the lane markings were painted on literally just before a turn in the weather. Ongoing November work includes roofing and interior finish at the pressbox, roofing and installation of toilet and food service fixtures at the concession building, perimeter fencing, and as much sitework and seeding that weather allows. Substantial completion of building work is slated to be completed by the end of the year, while some final grading, seeding, and sod will be in early spring.


Stadium Pressbox


Stadium Scoreboard

Lane Markings

Track Lanes Painted

Francis Marion Intermediate Update
October work included painting and installation of new cabinets and sinks in classrooms, fixture installation and flooring in the restrooms, ceiling grid, tiles, and lockers in the corridors. November work will be installation of new furniture, equipment training and inspections prior to staff occupancy at the end of the month. Student occupancy is still planned for the end of the year.

Cabinet Installation at FMI

Cabinet Installation

FMI Lockers & Hallway

Lockers & Carpet

October 10, 2022

Stadium Update
September work included the construction of the masonry elevator shaft, grandstand installation, and turf on the athletic field. Concrete parking lots are nearing completion along with miscellaneous sidewalks. The scoreboard foundations have been poured and topsoil has been spread over the new seeding areas. The concession building interior work continued.

Upcoming stadium work will be the urethane track surface install, lane striping, setting of goal posts and scoreboard. The press box will be installed along with east entry gates and fencing. The concession building will receive the metal roof and interior painting.

Grandstand Insallation

Grandstand Installation

Football Field Practice

Football Team On The New Turf

Turf Maintenance Training

Turf Maintenance Training

Francis Marion Intermediate Update
FMI work in September included exterior grading, sidewalks, and rubber playground surface installation. Interior work included sheetrock, window and door frames, painting, and mechanical work. 

October will see interior finishes, flooring, and equipment installation.

FMi Rubber Playground Surface

Playground Surface Installation

FMI Corridor Painting

FMI Corridor Painting

September 8, 2022

Substantial completion of both projects remains scheduled for November.

Stadium Update
August has been a productive month at the Stadium project. The visitor bleachers have been installed, concrete slabs and sidewalks have been poured, and perimeter fencing has been started. Final grading of the sub base for the athletic field is underway. The asphalt track base is being installed as is the concrete block elevator shaft. The home grandstand and press box will follow the masonry. At the concession stand and restroom building, interior rough-ins of mechanical and electrical is ongoing prior to painting later this month.

Visitor Bleaches

Visitor Bleachers

Stadium Elevator

Stadium Elevator

Asphalt Track

Asphalt Track

September 8, 2022

FMI Update
Above ceiling work at the existing building was completed in time for the start of school. Interior work continues at the addition with metal stud walls along with mechanical and electrical install.  Door and window frames are being installed. Outside, underground utility work continues along with grading and installation of playground equipment.

FMI Playground Reset

FMI Playground Reset

FMi Window Installation

FMI Window Installation

August 8, 2022 Construction Update

Stadium Update

July began with installing the filter fabric above the stabilized soil of the athletic field. A grid of flat panel drain tile was then laid out and connected to a 12” round drain on the inside perimeter of the track. Installation of 7000 tons of rock base followed to bring the grade up within inches of the final height required under the shock pad and turf. The concrete curb and slot drain system is being installed along the inside perimeter of the track. The concrete slab has been poured for the visitor bleachers and concrete foundation piers for the home grandstand are well underway. At the concession and restroom building, the exterior CMU walls are complete, while the interior plumbing and masonry are proceeding. The roof framing is also nearing completion with a metal roof to follow. Sections of the grandstand will arrive this month and the elevator shaft foundation work is starting.

Stadium Project

Marion Stadium Field Drainage

Concession Stand Roof Framing

Concession Standing Roof Framing

Track Curb and Drain

Track Curb & Drain

Restroom Plumbing

Restroom Plumbing

Grandstand Foundation Piers

Grandstand Foundation Piers

August 8, 2022 Construction Update

FMI Update

July has brought substantial completion of the interior above ceiling mechanical and electrical work along with new ceiling tile. The phase 1B addition is close to being enclosed with completion of exterior brick and interior CMU walls. Roof work is ongoing, as well as interior mechanical and electrical work. Aluminum window frames, metal studs and drywall, and interior painting are scheduled for August. Exterior work includes underground utilities and site grading.

FMi Roof Decking

FMI Roof Decking

FMI Face Brick East Elevation

FMI Face Brick East Elevation

FMi Ceilings

New Ceilings at FMI

July 11, 2022 Construction Update

Stadium Update

The gravel base has been started for the Activities Complex track.


Gravel Base

July 7, 2022 Construction Update

Stadium Update
June saw the completion of the soil stabilization under the athletic field and track areas. The next step in the process will be installing a layer of filter fabric, a grid of drainage tile, and utilities under the final rock base for the turf and track. This work will continue through July. Other site work included the setting of the light poles for the stadium and removing approximately 1500 dump truck loads of excess soil on the perimeter of the area. The extremely flat field surface requires pumping out any rainwater that accumulates. The concession buildings are taking shape with concrete block walls nearing completion along with underground plumbing. The floor slabs are scheduled for July installation. At the grandstand area, the elevator pit and concrete foundations will follow at the end of the month after completion of the concession floor slabs

excess soil

Removing Excess Soil

Concession Walls

Concession Walls & Plumbing Work

Soil Stabilization

Soil Stabilization

FMI Update
At the FMI addition, the concrete block walls have been completed along with setting the structural steel beams. The bar joists and metal deck are being installed. Roofing will be installed this month along with the poured concrete roof of the storm shelter. The weather vapor barrier is being applied to the exterior walls ahead of the brickwork, which should start next week. Site work includes underground utilities. The interior above ceiling upgrades continue with mechanical and electrical installations along with sprinkler pipe.

setting steel beams

Setting Steel Beams

block walls and joists

Block Walls & Bar Joists

June 13, 2022 Construction Update

Stadium Update
The track and athletic field is now ready for soil stabilization. This is a process of blending in Portland cement with the top layer of soil to harden the surface prior to adding the crushed stone layers for drainage under the turf and track. Rain has delayed this process a bit, but Larson has taken steps to drain the field so the stabilization can be done the week of June 20. Underground utility work will begin at the same time. The concession building foundations are nearing completion and will be followed up with backfill to allow for underground plumbing to be installed along with construction of the exterior masonry walls. The grandstand foundations are on deck for the concrete crews yet this month. Excess topsoil is being loaded out and taken off site. Material approvals and procurement are on track.

Field ready for soil stabilization

Field Ready for Soil Stabilization

 Concession building footings

Concession Building Footings

FMI Update
Exterior CMU walls are nearing completion. This will allow installation of the bar joists and decking to begin yet in June. Roofing will follow in July. The masons will install interior CMU walls for the safe room and classrooms after they complete the exterior walls. Interior remodeling of the existing building has begun with above ceiling electrical and mechanical upgrades. Underground utility work also continues. 

Finished concrete floor at FMI

Finished Concrete Floor at FMI

CMU Walls at FMI

CMU Walls at FMI

CMU Corridor wall at FMI

CMU Corridor Wall at FMI

May 9, 2022 Construction Update

Stadium Update
The south parking lot extension has been excavated down to grade. Compaction tests will be done this week along with the rock sub base. This area will be used for additional staging of construction materials until paving is installed. Mass excavation of the athletic field will continue this week along with finishing the install of soil and lime for the building pad of the concession building. The concrete crews from FMI will shift to the concession building foundation work next week. Underground utilities will follow, and masonry materials will arrive later this month with exterior wall construction next up. The grandstand area has been surveyed and laid out. The concrete crews will move from the concession building foundations to the elevator shaft foundations. Material submittals and procurement remains on track.

FMI Update
Interior wall concrete foundations are being installed along with remaining underground plumbing. The first course of concrete block walls have been completed on the exterior walls. The concrete floor slab is scheduled to be installed this week, utilizing a pump truck for the two-day process. Concrete block exterior walls will follow, with about a six-week duration. Preparations and material procurement is ongoing for the phase 1A remodel area, which will begin with mechanical and electrical rough in work after school lets out for summer.

Construction May

Construction May 2022 -2

Construction May - 3

Construction Update - May 4

On March 2, 2021, Marion Independent School District asked registered voters in the district to vote on a referendum that would allow the district to secure funding to pay for the first phase of a long-range facility plan developed by a facility advisory committee of district residents. This plan was passed and is being partially funded by the voter passed $31 million general obligation bond.

Activities Complex

Stripping of the topsoil begins at the Activities Complex.

FMI Foundation

At FMI, layout and excavation for the foundation in progress.

FMI work

At FMI, due to the wet conditions, concrete is carried to the forms by the excavator, 1.5 cubic yards at a time.

FMI construction

FMI construction completed south foundation wall of the addition with recent rainwater that will be pumped out.

What does the bond include?

Marion Independent School District is committed to fostering a community of learners in developing the knowledge and skills to be future ready. This promise is reflected both in the learning and teaching that takes place in our buildings every day. It is also manifested in the investments made at Longfellow Elementary and Vernon Middle School in the last 11 years.

However, our three oldest buildings – Marion High School, Francis Marion Intermediate, and Starry Elementary School – as well as Thomas Park need repair and/or do not meet current needs of our students and educators. This deterioration will only continue, while the cost of this project will continue to increase with time. Without improvement to these facilities, we also cannot address inequities in the district between opportunities for students who attend the newer facilities compared to older ones. 

We will also be providing our students with learning environments – including an auditorium and outdoor activities complex – on par with their peers in other area districts, arming them with opportunities that will prepare them for their next chapter.

Because the MISD Board and district leadership have been careful stewards of both taxpayer and state revenue streams, the district can address needs at  Marion High School, Francis Marion Intermediate, Thomas Park and for district elementary students without raising taxes.

How did we get there?

what's the plan

how will we pay for it?