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Jennifer Adams
5th/6th Grade Band Director/Communications Specialist
Vernon Middle School
319-377-9401 ext. 4448
Mavis Adjei
Food Service
Francis Marion Intermediate
Jonathan Anderson
Special Education Teacher / 8th Grade Boys Basketball Coach / 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach
Marion High School
319-377-9891 ext. 1153
Samantha Armbrust
Special Education Teacher
Vernon Middle School
Michele Aschbrenner
6th Grade Literacy Teacher
Vernon Middle School
319-377-9401 ext. 4412
Nadine Bellinger
8th Grade Literacy Teacher / VMS Yearbook Sponsor
Vernon Middle School
319-377-9401 ext. 4419
Aaron Blech
Social Studies Teacher / Soph Boys Basketball Coach / Asst MS Football 8th
Marion High School
319-377-9891 ext. 1169
Madison Bliss
Special Education Teacher/Head MS Cross Country Coach
Marion High School
Daniel Bliss
Asst Middle School Cross Country Coach
Vernon Middle School
Marshall Boche
6th/7th Grade Social Studies Teacher
Vernon Middle School
Ashley Bys
7th/8th Grade Science Teacher / MHS Bowling Coach
Vernon Middle School
Josh Claypool
7th Grade Math Teacher, Freshman Boys Basketball Coach
Vernon Middle School
319-377-9401 ext. 4432
Jennifer Clemen
Associate Principal
Vernon Middle School
319-377-9401 ext. 4416
Phillip Cochran
Vernon Middle School
319-377-9401 ext. 4401
Eli Cochrane
Engagement Specialist / 7th & 8th Girls Soccer Coach
Vernon Middle School
319-377-9401 ext. 4438
April Cowdin
EL Associate
Vernon Middle School
Jason Dabroski
6th Grade Math/Science Teacher / High School Boys Varsity Track / 8th Grade Girls Basketball
Vernon Middle School
319-377-9401 ext 4423
Kara D'Ambrosio
Special Education Teacher/Asst 7th Grade Volleyball Coach
Marion High School
319-377-9891 ext. 1222
Brian Davis
School Resource Officer
District Office
Aaron Doubet
Assistant Wrestling Coach
Vernon Middle School